Contact Us: 1-224 -931-0919

Legal, Financial, & Operations

Not-for-Profit Status & Governance

Stepping Stones Network is a program of Oasis Productions, a 501c3 faith-based organization that can receive tax-deductible donations. The organization is governed by three to five Governing Board members and will be recruiting for Leadership Council and Development Board members in 2024. If you have interest in a Board or Council position, please contact Suzanne Baker Brown:



Our approach to fundraising includes grant-writing, events, and reaching out to individuals and organizations through our email, social media, and community engagement network.  Our Giving funds include Immediate Needs (Butterfly Circle), Monthly Giving  ($24 to Restore), and Church Offerings (25 to Thrive).  Some years, we hold an event in November, Festival of Trees, in partnership with designers and corporate and family sponsors.

We pursue foundation and competitive grants and have been generously funded by the Department of Justice: Office of Victims of Crime, the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority: Victim of Crime Act, Safe House Project, the Robert & Aimee Hombach Foundation, Community Purse, Grainger Foundation, and Lake County Community Trust.


We file annual Federal 990s. Our fiscal year is January 1st to December 31st. The 2024 annual budget is $1.1M.

Staffing & Operations

We operate with a flexible staff mix of 25 full-time and part-time employees, contractors, and incredibly committed volunteer leaders who behave like employees.  Our full-time employees are all dedicated to direct client service.  To keep administrative costs low, our executive and operations team are all part-time or committed volunteers.
