
Resources are listed below according to audience. If you are interested in any of these resources please click the button to fill out an interest form:

Resources Interest Form

For Everyone

Understand the signs of trafficking. Check out the OnWatch™ survivor-led training video designed to empower you to spot, report, and prevent sex trafficking where you live, work, and play. Through true survivor experiences, industry experts explain the key indicators of trafficking, as well as how you can support a survivor’s path to freedom.

For Students and Parents

To learn more about Internet safety and prevention, we highly recommend Shared Hope International’s resources found here.

For Church Leaders 

Leaders need to become conscious and equipped to face and prevent the damage of our sexualized culture and its resultant challenges.  Our Church Leadership Video Series includes an assessment and action planning tool, interviews with scholars and ministry leaders, testimonies of those who have been harmed and healed, as well as a number of educational and practical resources.  Learn how we can work together to educate and engage the church as well as restore the lives that have been harmed by sexual exploitation, abuse, and use of pornography.  Join us as we reach out to heal the church and evangelize in a world of brokenness.

Leaders Call to Action      Download Free Assessment Tool      Register for the Course       Church Leader Email List Opt-In

For Healthcare Workers

Free course on how to identify a victim of sex trafficking, targeted for medical professionals.

Click Here to Access the Course

For Truck Drivers

Truck stops are often used for trafficking. If you’re a truck driver, learn how you can help by checking out this free resource.

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