Healing Network

Healing Network

Stepping Stones Network is about “Restoring Lives….One Step at a Time”.

Studies estimate that 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men have experienced childhood sexual violations. Some of these experiences are obvious and quite horrific, while others are more subtle and might even be pushed aside in our minds as “no big deal”.  However, the truth is that even what can seem like minor violations can have traumatic effects on a life and particularly on the ability to feel at peace with one’s self.  Many survivors report living with a sense of fear and/or shame that limits their ability to build healthy relationships and their confidence to step into life and be all they were created to be.

Other life experiences can have similar effects, such as verbal or abuse or neglect by those we expected to care for us.  We find that even our own personal choices, such as abortion, divorce, or harm that we may brought to someone else, can cause a sense of unrest and a cost to our relationships.

Stepping Stones Network offers safe, confidential groups and retreats for functioning adults to be able to break free of these effects and live a full and free life.

As of October 2020, due to CoVid and other priorities, we have suspended groups until 2021; however, we are currently registering individuals for our Waitlist, recruiting group leaders, and working with churches who would like to sponsor groups.  Questions: Contact suzanneb@steppingstonesnetwork.org

See our Resources page for more details and to register for a group or waitlist.


